After recovering from my night of drinking and watching old Bette Midler films, I started to buckle down and find some answers from this so-called eBabe site. Apparently, the site was owned by Tom Anderson, the founder of the once-popular website, Myspace. Even after hours of yelling at receptionists for information on Richard’s whereabouts, I was still without any leads.
As of now, I am on my couch eating a pint of Jared & Jerry’s,

e-mailing everyone I know to keep a look out for Richard. Even my friend Sandy said that she was handing out pictures to everyone on her safari in, you guessed it, Xenox. I did manage to heckle the last eBabe receptionist I spoke with into giving me an address to their nearest office. Tomorrow, once I get off this couch and get dressed, I'm going to go find out how Richard ended up as an eligible bachelor for eBabe. Hopefully I can sweet talk my way into finding the address to the winning bidder. Surely if he or she heard my story they would call off the purchase from eBabe and let me have Richard back in my life. But will Richard want to be back in my life is the burning question. I’ll be back with more updates soon.